Free Full Download from Rapidshare Megaupload Megashare Filefactory free download mp3 music album DESCARCA GRATIS MUZICA albume complete: SCARICA GRATIS MUSICA :SCARICAR FACILč :libérez le téléchargement geben Sie Download frei libere la transferencia directa descargar загрузка скачать бесплатно pobrać downloaden laste ned डाउनलोड λήψη ladata downloade preuzimanje stáhnout изтеглям تنزيل hämta herunterladen
Kong - What It Seems Is What You Get (2009)
Genre: Rock | MP3 | VBR | CBR 44,1kHz | 142 Mb
01 - On The Contrary
02 - Overcrowd _ Underdog
03 - Last Hunt
04 - Tenfold Right
05 - The Imposter Syndrome
06 - Glossip
07 - Tao Of Eric
08 - Change 2012
09 - March Of The Eltanin
10 - Musclebound Elf
11 - KLZQ
12 - Factorum Inconstantum
Genetica si misterele manuscriselor medievale
Mii de texte scrise pe pergament au supravietuit din Evul Mediu pana astazi, dar cunoasterea originii multora dintre ele intampina obstacole. O avansata metoda genetica ar putea ajuta la elucidarea misterelor.
Pergamentul, suportul pe care sunt scrise cele mai multe dintre textele medievale care ni s-au pastrat, este fabricat din piei de animale, de obicei vitel, oaie, capra. A afla de unde provine un manuscris si de cand dateaza este, insa, adesea, dificil. Cu exceptia unor documente legale, manuscrisele medievale nu sunt, de obicei, datate. Desigur, cercetatorii folosesc indiciile oferite de textul insusi, cum ar fi dialectul sau caracteristicile scrisului, dar acestea pot fi inselatoare.
Tim Stinson, profesor la Universitatea de Stat din North Carolina, SUA, a avut ideea de a folosi pergamentul insusi pentru a extrage date privind originea si vechimea manuscriselor. Intrucat pielea, ca orice tesut animal, contine ADN, Stinson a propus prelevarea unor mostre de ADN din pergamentele manuscriselor cu origine cunoscuta, analizarea acestora si constituirea unei baze de date genetice cu ajutorul careia sa poate fi ulterior determinata, prin comparatie, provenienta unor manuscrise pe pergament cu origine necunoscuta.
Cool Record Edit Deluxe v7.8.5
Record. Edit. Share. The revolution of audio recording and editing is here!
Included all the great features of Cool Record Edit Pro — and much more — with Cool Record Edit Deluxe!
Features of Cool Record Edit Pro...
Tools include Audio File Merger. Easy-to-use tool to merge audio files in one large file.
Audio File Merger...
Tools include Audio CD Ripper. Copies music tracks from audio CD's and saves them as Ogg Vorbis, WAV and MP3 files. Free CDDB Supported.
Audio CD Ripper...
Tools include Audio CD Burner/Eraser. Create audio CDs from MP3 collection or WAV files.
Audio CD Burner/Eraser...
Change WMA metadata/WMA tags. Simple-to-use tag editor that allows you to change tagged information about your WMA music files.
Change WMA metadata/WMA tags...
More professional. Cool Record Edit Deluxe is designed to be a very easy and intuitive to use audio editing package. Within minutes you will be able to open or record a file and edit it. But if you take time to explore the other features you will find many powerful tools designed with the professional sound engineer in mind.
More professional...
Build-in Powerful Audio Tools*
Audio Converter
When you click the Tools > Audio Converter menu item, you can access easy-to-use, yet very powerful, features for converting one file type to another. Supported conversions include the following:
• WAV to MP3
• MP3 to WAV
• WAV/MP3 to WMA
• WMA to WAV/MP3
• OGG to WAV/MP3
• WAV/MP3 to OGG
• WAV Compression
• MP3 Compression
Ashampoo Magical Snap Shot 3 3.01
Free Full Download from Rapidshare Megaupload Megashare Filefactory free download soft DESCARCA GRATIS PROGRAME FULL APPS :SCARICA GRATIS PROGRAMMI COMPLETI :SCARICAR FACILč :libérez le téléchargement geben Sie Download frei libere la transferencia directa descargar загрузка скачать бесплатно pobrać downloaden laste ned डाउनलोड λήψη ladata downloade preuzimanje stáhnout изтеглям تنزيل hämta herunterladen
Make great-looking screenshots, program demos and videos fast.
The new Ashampoo Snap 3 can capture and store anything on your computer screen, including video. If you can see it on your screen, Ashampoo Snap 3 can turn it into a snapshot or movie and save it to a file. And with its amazingly simple editing functions you can produce results that you will be proud to share in no time.
The new motion capture tool has two different modes: Video mode for full-motion movies and Application mode for capturing Windows programs – for example for demos and walk-through tutorials showing how to use a new application. You can also add your own voice with a microphone to comment on or explain what is being displayed.
2. Razboiul Fotbalului (Honduras VS El Salvador)
La o prima vedere, conflictul din 1969 dintre El Salvador si Honduras ar putea parea cel mai stupid razboi declansat vreodata, atata vreme cat, oficial, totul a plecat de la un meci de calificare la Cupa Mondiala de Fotbal din 1970.
Primul meci dintre cele doua tari a avut loc la 8 iunie 1969, la Tegucigalpa, meci decis in favoarea selectionatei statului Honduras cu 1-0. Returul, jucat la San Salvador in 15 iunie 1969, a revenit gazdelor, El Salvador, cu scorul de 3-0. Meciul de baraj pentru calificarea la Campionatul Mondial din Mexic, 1970, s-a jucat chiar pe teritoriul tarii gazda a competitiei, la 27 iunie 1969, si s-a incheiat cu un dramatic 3 – 2 dupa prelungiri in favoarea echipei reprezentative a statului El salvador, si asta dupa ce Honduras condusese la pauza cu 2-1. Aproximativ doua saptamani mai tarziu, la 14 iulie 1969, armata din El Salvador invada Honduras, in ceea ce avea sa ramana in istorie drept Razboiul Fotbalului. Ce se intamplase de fapt?
Tensiunile dintre cele doua tari atinsesera deja punctul culminant inainte de inceperea campaniei de calificare la Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal. El Salvador, o tara cu o suprafata de cinci ori mai mica decat Honduras, dar cu o populatie de cel putin doua ori mai mare, se confrunta de mai multi ani cu o migratie masiva a propriilor cetateni catre tara vecina, acolo unde densitatea populatiei era mult mai redusa si unde oamenii puteau intra mult mai usor in proprietatea unor terenuri. Pana in 1969, peste 300.000 din cei aproximativ 7 milioane de locuitori ai statului El Salvador migrasera catre Honduras, multi dintre ei in ilegalitate, creand tensiuni intre cele doua state. Altercatia s-a amplificat in momentul in care marii proprietari de terenuri din Honduras au solicitat si au primit acordul guvernului pentru desproprietarirea nativilor din El Salvador si preluarea terenurilor acestora. Pe fondul acestor probleme, nu au intarziat sa apara conflictele in randul populatiei, sentimentele antinationale ale celor doua etnii atingand paroxismul in cel mai scurt timp. Masurile abuzive luate de autoritatile din Honduras au culminat cu expulzarea unei mari parti a imigrantilor salvadorieni, fapt cu rezultate dezastruoase pentru economia statului El Salvador.
Escaladarea conflictului a avut loc in urma celor trei meciuri de calificare la Campionatul Mondial din Mexic, ocazie cu care mass-media din cele doua tari nu a precupetit nimic din a prezenta atrocitatile comise de o parte si de alta, alimentand o stare care putea degenera in orice moment. Inevitabilul s-a produs la 14 iunie 1969, atunci cand armata salvadoriana a invadat Hondurasul cerandu-si dreptul asupra terenurilor detinute de cetatenii sai. Conflictul a durat patru zile, timp suficient pentru ca aproximativ 4000 de persoane sa fie ucise, cele mai multe victime fiind din randul civililor.
Razboiul Fotbalului s-a incheiat oficial la 18 iulie, pacea intrand complet in vigoare doua zile mai tarziu. El Salvador a participat la Campionatul Mondial in ciuda conflictului prin care tocmai trecuse, si a terminat pe ultimul loc grupa din care au mai facut parte URSS, Mexic si Belgia. Bilantul celor trei meciuri – 0 goluri marcate, 9 goluri primite, 0 puncte si ultimul loc dintre cele 16 tari participante.
la a asta i se zice userbar sa ucel puti nasa scrie pe siteacolo,da culorielalea sa le folosesti;) deci cu me chestia asta de mai jos cmas dac se apotre sa integrezi parteadesus a pozelor sau pozei in el si sapui sa apara si scrisul ala de mai sus;),sper ca mai inteles ms pupici de la arici
Wi-Fi Defense
Free Full Download from Rapidshare Megaupload Megashare Filefactory free download soft DESCARCA GRATIS PROGRAME FULL APPS :SCARICA GRATIS PROGRAMMI COMPLETI :SCARICAR FACILč :libérez le téléchargement geben Sie Download frei libere la transferencia directa descargar загрузка скачать бесплатно pobrać downloaden laste ned डाउनलोड λήψη ladata downloade preuzimanje stáhnout изтеглям تنزيل hämta herunterladen
Wi-Fi Defense
SpyderSoft Wi-Fi Defense? was designed with the mainstream, non-technical consumer in mind, yet is powerful enough to offer security benefits to even the most advanced user.
The technology detects all devices on the network, provides identifying information to assist the owner in designating each as Friend or Foe, and seamlessly locks-down the network to allow only approved devices. Adding a new device or allowing a visitor to join the network is also an easy task, and the application ensures that you maintain a locked-down network. At all times, SpyderSoft Wi-Fi Defense? continues a background scan to detect new and/or unauthorized devices.
* PC running Windows 2000 or XP
* 400 MHz processor
* 128 MB RAM
* 10 MB free disk space on your hard drive
* Network card
* LAN or WLAN (Wi-Fi) network
DESCOPERA TEORIA CONSPIRATIEI - descopera realitatea asa cum nu ti-ai imaginat-o pana acum
Si daca EI te-au mintit si te-au manipulat? Daca tot ceea ce vezi in jurul tau nu este decat rodul unei masinatiuni gigantice? Daca eroii tai preferati sunt de fapt „baietii rai” si tu nu esti decat o unealta robotizata in mainile lor? Esti gata sa afli si o alta opinie? Daca da, atunci pregateste-te.
Tinerii prefera internetul in detrimentul partenerilor reali
Un studiu social realizat in Germania a relevat faptul ca aproximativ 84% dintre tinerii chestionati, tineri cu varste cuprinse intre 19-29 de ani, prefera mai degraba sa duca o viata solitara decat sa isi piarda conexiunea la internet, anunta Reuters.
Viata de zi cu zi lipsita de telefonul mobil pare, de asemenea, de neconceput pentru 97% dintre cei 1000 de tineri care au luat parte la studiu. Motive suficiente de ingrijorare pentru realizatorii acestui proiect, cei care vad in deciziile tinerilor o indiferenta uriasa fata de societatea reala si o indepartare de mediul in care ar fi trebuit sa traiasca.
Cu toate aceste, tinerii se apara, sustinand ca mediul web este unul propice dezvoltarii relatiilor umane, aproximativ 8% dintre chestionati afirmand ca si-au gasit un partener de viata prin intermediul chaturilor. „Webul creaza relatii interumane reale si nu duce la autism si dezumanizare”, a declarat unul dintre cei intervievati, el recunoascand insa ca devine agitat daca nu are conexiune la internet atunci cand se afla in vacanta.
Sage Payroll is the market leader in payroll software for the small to medium-sized business. Over 100,000 satisfied customers use Sage Payroll to automate their payroll processing. Complying with the latest government legislation, it deals easily with complex tasks. Sage Payroll saves you valuable time, simplifies the payroll process and ensures accuracy. It is extremely flexible, allowing you to transfer payroll details with one simple posting into Sage Line 50 or Sage Line 100. As all employee data can be instantly recalled on screen or reproduced in simple, easy-to-follow reports, management information can be obtained quickly and easily. Processing the payroll can be one of the most time-consuming tasks for any company but Sage Payroll puts you firmly in control.
The Release of Sage Payroll Version 12 continues Sage Payroll's development as the UK's leading payroll software for small and growing businesses. Version 12 introduces new processes that make it easier to manage compliance requirements, and can now be integrated with Sage Line 50 making it easier to deal with accounts queries while using Payroll.
New to Sage Payroll V12 Sage Payroll version 12 introduces a range of new features to enable you to run your payroll in the easiest and quickest way. Save time at Payroll Year End, record Holiday in Hours to support the European Working Time Directive, track changes with new audit trail and much more.
* Dashboard - provides and instant view of key payroll information
* Process Maps - shows all the steps that make up the payroll procedures
* File Import - to help with the migration of data from other applications like Excel
* National Insurance Number Tracing
* Historical Reporting by Financial Year
* Sage Line 50 Integration
* Holiday in Hours - an accurate way to manage flexible working
* Audit Trail - a clear way to track who made which changes and when
* Historical Reports
* No extra cost for E-banking
* Customised PDF report output - a more professional look for your reports
* Affordable, flexible payroll options
* Flexible, easy to use and understand
* Comprehensive employee records
* Instant calculations for total pay, tax and National Insurance
* Automatic SSP, SMP and pension calculations
* Employee payment weekly, bi-weekly, four weekly or monthly; any combination of cheque, cash or BACS
* In-depth holiday and sickness diaries
* Attachment of earnings option
* Easy tax year-end processing; automatic processing of all statutory forms
* Fully compliant with the latest government legislation
Tested and meets the Inland Revenue payroll standards This software has been checked as meeting the requirement of the published IR Payroll Standard valid from December 2000. It incorporates electronic filing capability by internet.
5 metode de a ajunge la inima socrilor
O vorba spune ca nu te casatoresti doar cu sotul/sotia ci cu intreaga lui/ei familie. Ti-e teama insa ca ai lui nu te au la suflet? Nu-ti face griji, calea catre inima socrilor e mai scurta decat crezi.
1. Fiti calmi si cu zambetul pe buze
Orice ar spune soacra fiti diplomati si raspundeti-i cu zambetul pe buze. Nimic nu dezarmeaza mia mult decat o fata joviala. Chiar daca fierbi pe dinauntru nu lasa acest lucru sa iasa la iveala. Explica-i ce te nemultumeste fara sa ridici tonul si fara sa jignesti. Daca nu este chip sa ajungeti la o intelegere, fa un compromis: zi ca ea si fa ca tine. Asta este o tactica pe care o poti urma in astfel de situatii.
2. Viziteaza-i la fel de des ca pe parintii tai
Cea mai mare teama a socrilor este ca-i vei indeparta de copilul lor. Iata de ce trebuie sa le risipesti din start temerea. Insoteste-ti partenerul/partenera cand ii viziteaza si nu da de inteles ca intalnirea cu ei ar fi o corvoada. Pana la urma ei sunt parintii persoanei pe care o iubesti! Iar de sarbatori incearca sa-i reunesti pe toti, astfel incat nici ai lui si nici ai tai sa nu se simta neglijati.
3. Nu te certa cu sotul/sotia in fata lor
Cea mai mare greseala este sa te certi cu partenerul/partenera de fata cu parintii. Te vor privi ca pe un dusman, ca pe o persoana care face viata grea copilului lor. Apeleaza, deci, al diplomatie. Daca ai o replica mai acida pastreaz-o pentru cand veti fi singuri. Altfel risti sa te certi nu numai cu el ci si cu socrii.
4. Nu ii indeparta de nepoti
Daca aveti copii, sigur ati crescut in ochii socrilor. Nimic nu-i induioseaza mai mult decat un nepot, iar tie iti vor fi recunoscatori ca le-ai daruit o asemenea bucurie. Nu trebuie sa devii posesiv/a si sa-i tii departe de nepotii lor. incurajeaza-i pe cei mici sa-i viziteze sau sa-i sune cat mai des.
5. Suna-i sa-i intrebi de sanatate
Daca socrii tai locuiesc intr-o localitate indepartata si nu va puteti vizita prea des, nu inseamna ca nu poti comunica altfel cu ei. Nici nu stii ce surpriza placuta ar fi pentru ei daca i-ai suna din proprie initiativa sa-i intrebi ce mai fac. O vorba buna poate face minuni.
Seven Transformation Pack will convert your Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 based system to look like Windows 7 and some of its features emulated. You don't have to purchase Windows 7 or any 3rd-party applications to get Windows 7 UI experiences. This transformation pack will simply make it done for you for free!
This will update your Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 with Windows Seven GUI by adding some themes and replacing system files. Seven Transformation Pack gives to your system the fresh and cool look of Microsoft's new operating system: Windows 7. The pack changes most of the system icons, skins and toolbars and also adds new enhancements to your desktop.
Changes in Version 4.0:
-Added giannisgx89’s “Windows 7″ visual style for Windows Vista
-Added localization support with some fixes in wording and correction (You can modify vilang.sif for program to read in other languages. It may not work on languages with IME unicode charset though)
-Added more system files modification for Windows Vista
|-Shell Elements (Start Menu, Explorer)
|-Startup Animation
|-Tray Icons Set
-Added uxtheme.dll patching for custom theme compatibilities in Windows XP x64 Edition and Windows Vista (x86/x64)
-Added Windows setup files selection warning for people who use this normally but curious about it
-Added x64 system files modification support (Requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher)
-Fixed 3rd-party applications startup conflicts with installation in configuration file
-Fixed boot screen not applying in some operating systems
-Fixed directory writable checking before preserving vtp.sif in local directory (CD, Network, etc.)
-Fixed exiting application when unsupported OS detected for uxtheme.dll patching instead of disabling uxtheme.dll patching
-Fixed launcher executable not being removed after uninstallation
-Fixed program not loading default configuration when vtp.sif isn’t present
-Fixed “Sevenlize basic desktop theme components” in Personalization to not apply default visual style when not selected
-Fixed some message boxes interrupting unattended transformation
-Fixed theme configuration bug when WindowBlinds isn’t installed
-Fixed Vista Rainbar gadgets positioning compatibilities with Windows Vista/x64
-Fixed Vista Rainbar not clearing startup settings when not installed in Personalization dialog
-Fixed WindowBlinds skin detection bug in Welcome Center
-Removed TrueTransparency from unsafe applications list but will be disabled when Windows Aero is running
-Removed Disable unsafe configuration that may harm system option since there’s no longer unsafe application available
-Updated multi-language support in logon screen and separated system files to modifying system files section
-Updated service pack checking compatibilities with x64 and non-RTM builds
-Updated system files verification to perform less file transfer operations
-Updated TrueTransparency to version 1.3 with x64 and blur support
-Updated ViGlance to version 1.0 build 1210 (Fixed pin saving)
-Updated ViStart to version 2.0 build 3686
|-Added Windows 7 User Interface (Windows X’s version)
|-Added Windows 7 Orb
|-Added Layout.xml for skin customization
|-Added Backwards compatibility with ViStart 6 skins
|-Added Greek language setting to Language Changer
|-Fixed Frequent items re-aligned to be more like Windows 7
|-Fixed Explorer keeps crashing randomly
|-Fixed Start button sometimes freezes
|-Fixed Games or full screen applications cause ViStart to sometimes stop being invoked
|-Fixed Sometimes ViStart disappears
|-Fixed Taskbar disappearance bug
|-Fixed Winkey combo-block bug
|-Fixed Poor interaction with ViGlance
|-Fixed New Programs Installed (Old Start Menu) bug
|-Fixed Floating Objects & Dual Screens bug
|-Fixed 64bit Support
|-Fixed Textbox invoke delayed focus
|-Fixed Invoke speed is about 9x faster
|-Fixed Font/Text not appearing on the right of the start menu
|-Fixed Blank hover image on Power menu and Frequently used programs
|-Fixed Recent items doesn’t appear on Windows Vista and Windows 7
|-Fixed Recent items menu is more responsive (26/10/2009)
|-Fixed Full support for Windows 7 x64/x86
|-Fixed Unresponsive/slow recent items menu in Vista and 7
|-Fixed The invalid picture bug
|-Fixed ViStart not loading the correct user picture in Windows Vista
|-Fixed Clear frequently used programs list tickbox in options sometimes doesn’t work
-Updated Windows Seven visual style
|-Start panel logoff buttons
|-Taskband group menu background and text color
|-Taskband scroll bar
|-Taskbar sizing bar
-Updated Windows startup sound with ones from imageres.dll instead of default sounds scheme
Electrik - cat 'ul meu :rotfl:
my cat
VSO Software ConvertXtoDVD 3 v3.4.7.121
Free Full Download from Rapidshare Megaupload Megashare Filefactory free download soft DESCARCA GRATIS PROGRAME FULL APPS :SCARICA GRATIS PROGRAMMI COMPLETI :SCARICAR FACILč :libérez le téléchargement geben Sie Download frei libere la transferencia directa descargar загрузка скачать бесплатно pobrać downloaden laste ned डाउनलोड λήψη ladata downloade preuzimanje stáhnout изтеглям تنزيل hämta herunterladen
This award-winning divx to dvd video converter software supports most video and audio formats for video
conversion (avi, mpg, mov, wmv, mkv, ogm and more) and even handles DVD to DVD copy!
* Video formats supported: avi, divx, xvid, mov, mkv, flv, mpeg-1, mpeg2-, mpeg-4, nsv, dvr-ms, tivo, ts, ifo,
vob, asf, wmv, realmedia, rm, rmvb, ogm, existing files from digital camcorders, TV/Sat, capture cards, etc.
No external codecs needed like avi codec download
* Create DVD menus with different templates available, possibility to add background video, image or audio,
have chapter and audio/subtitle menus
* Conversion advisor wizard, control of the conversion speed vs. quality
* Fast and quality encoder, typically less than 1 hour for converting 1 movie, and supports
Multi-Core processors!
* Included burning engine with burn speed control choice of SAO or packet writing methods, supports all DVD
* Custom and or automatic chapter creation with markers and preview window
* Advanced file merging possibilities
* Audio formats supported internal and external: AC3, DTS, PCM, OGG, MP3, WMA and more…
* Subtitles files supported internal and external: SRT, .SUB/IDX, .SSA with color and font selection, and
supports tags like italic, bold
* Video output for video standard (NTSC, PAL), TV Screen (Widescreen 16:9, Fullscreen 4:3) and DVD Resolution
(Full D1, Boradcast D1, Half D1, SIF), or choose automatic for all choices listed above. Also convert video
from NTSC to PAL or PAL to NTSC
* Video post processing settings like video resize-pad/cropping and de-interlacing options
ConvertXtoDVD - - Released 9th of January 2009
Minor fixes :
* fix mkv regression
* higher thresold for project size (now 24 Gb.) (R&D to build mega DVD saved on Blu-ray support )
* language update
- Update burning SDK to version
- 0002500: mkv crash on load (wesson) - resolved.
D-numbers: 16 septembrie
Cat costa transformarea Saharei in padure? Facebook a inceput sa faca bani. A fost identificata gena care provoaca cancer. UE va deveni verde. Dupa 35 de ani, barbatia are de suferit.
2 trilioane
de dolari pe an ar costa operatiunile de geoinginerie prin care intregul desert Sahara ar fi transformat intr-o imensa padure, se arata intr-un studiu realizat de biologul Leonard Ornstein de la Mount Sinai School of Medicine si cercetatorii NASA David Rind si Igor Aleinov de la institutul Goddard. Biotransformarea ar fi posibila gratie unui sistem de pompe ingropate la mare adancime, cu apa desalinizata extrasa din mare, si plantarii intr-o prima etapa a Eucalyptus grandis. Pe masura ce copacul ar prinde radacina, ar transforma nisipul in pamant si ar provoca ploi, permitand si altor copaci sa creasca. Daca intreaga Sahara ar fi padure, ar absorbi zilnic 8 milioane de tone de carbon din atmosfera, adica intreaga emisie zilnica de astazi.
de useri activi pe luna are Facebook, cea mai mare retea de socializare online din lume. De asemenea, compania care gestioneaza Facebook, fondata de tanarul Mark Zuckerberg (25 de ani), a inceput sa scoata profit, desi era programata sa faca bani de abia undeva in a doua jumatate a anului 2010.
% din cazurile de cancer de san, prostata, piele sau colon sunt provocate de o dereglare a genei PTEN, se arata intr-un studiu publicat in jurnalul stiintific EMBO Molecular Medicine. Un medicament bazat pe proteina PARP ar fi extrem de eficient in lupta acestor tipuri de cancer, cercetatori la mai multe laboratoare europene fiind deja angajati in fabricarea acestuia.
% din energia Germaniei este produsa din surse verzi - eoliene, panouri solare si alte instalatii de acest tip. Raportat la numarul de locuitori, urmatoarea tara europeana care exceleaza in energia ecologica este Marea Britanie (5%). Pornind de la modelul celor doua state, oficialii UE doresc sa extinda tehnologiile regenerabile pe intreaga suprafata a Uniunii, astfel incat pana in 2020 peste 25% din energia UE sa provina din surse verzi.
din 4 barbati sufera de disfunctie erectila dupa varsta de 35 de ani, stresul, pierderea locului de munca, lipsa banilor si a sigurantei de sine fiind printre cauzele acestei maladii, declara medicul urolog Sebastian Voinea, de la Spitalul Fundeni.
si inca un model ..tot OZ
Preee 3.51 | 13,4 MB
Its not only an autotrader but also dupechecker, rls-search, rls-fxp, ftp-gui, news-checker, update-checker, irc-client, icq-client, pre-engine, spead-engine.
changes since last public release:
- fix: fixed a bug where irc-catching-trade sites got stressed by CWD .
- new: better performance
- new: for multitrade - if a site is useing "site new" and no path was
was found that matches the rules but it has that section,
it will be used to check if that folder exists anyway
(ul on race / use as source). This happens usually when a
pre-script is not adding the pre release to site new log
- new: speed improved for failed-fxp checking and speed-statistics
- fix: file mix bug of trades
- fix: minor other bugs
- new: better speed in release extraction
- fix: bug in irc-trade
- fix: version reply fixed
- new: version reply is not random anymore but fixed mirc value
- fix: minor bugs
- fix: autonuke/aautodel is only performed if detected section is defined in site rules
- fix: statistics for % of upload (untested)
- fix: minor bug fixes in irc interface
- new: auto VERSION reply with random data (untested)
- new: ability to paste site rules over popup menu
- new: improved speed under multitrade (skip useless list checks)
- fix: paste issues in irc interface
- new: optimized trading under multitrade (less useless STAT/LIST for inc releases)
- fix: another issue with percent complete announce
- new: improved queue system
- new: popup menu for never_fxp list
- fix: issues with percent complete announce
- fix: flush db from previous release
- new: much faster with handling queues or file lists
- new: if a release is complete it will be checked once
more before it is removed from trade cache.
- fix: minor bugs
- new: !sitenotes
- new: default pre delay in config->pre/fxp settings
- fix: problems with status extraction from irc
- new: speed improved again
- fix: "site reqfilled " will always be issued (in case id is missing or invalid)
- fix: bug in script parameters
- new: irc edit field visible in irc
14.02.2009 Ziua indragostitilor Valentine's Day
super tareeeeee: Click
landscape 2
Incredibila bunica Yoga
La varsta de 83 de ani, Bete Calman, o fanatica practicanta Yoga se da peste cap la figurat, dar mai ales la propriu dupa antica disciplina indiana.
Batranica din Australia practica Yoga de peste 50 de ani si, in ciuda etatii sale, este in stare sa stea in posturi si sa execute diverse exercitii care ar pune probleme serioase si unui adolescent sportiv de 20 de ani. In timp ce alti batranei se plang de artrita, osteoporoza, Alzheimer sau alte afectiuni specifice varstei, singura problema a doamnei Calman este sa se concentreze pentru a se autodepasi constant, nivelul la care a ajuns acum echivaland cu cel al unui mare initiat yoghin din antichitate, sunt de parere specialistii.
"Eu sunt exemplul viu ca daca ai un vis frumos si faci totul pentru a-l atinge, daca ai o disciplina de fier si esti pasionat de ceea ce faci, cu siguranta vei reusi. In prezent, pot face cu mult mai multe decat ceea ce realizam in urma cu 40 de ani" declara batrana yoghina. "Niciodata nu esti prea batran. Corpul este un instrument remarcabil. Daca sti cum sa-l folosesti, se va cali, se va intari si va deveni din ce in ce mai bun. Adevaratii yoghini sunt tineri pana la moarte" ne mai povatuieste bunica Yoga. Bete Calman, o pioniera a Yoga in Australia, este mare maestra a disciplinei indiene in Melbourne, unde in prezent are 11 clase de Yoga.
Can someone give Bette Calman an award please? Okay, we will give her our Dude of the Day award (which we give to people doing interesting things) but she needs a bigger, more relevant award for proving that people in their 80s can live a very healthy life.
BMUG AsianFont font
A Japanese font with 3 different styles.
ziua internationala a copilului
:))pisu me d'acasa
A classic family tale of geometrical proportions! No math skills required- just the power of love! Help Shape Shape find his family by guiding him through 50 levels of awesome adventure. Navigate perilous pits of spikes, moving platforms, gravity pits, and more! Shape Shape is a fun, addicting game for all ages.
* 50 levels of non-stop shape-filled action!
* Create your own levels with the built-in level editor!
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* Watch a dramatic love story unfold as you progress!
Release name: ShapeShape.v3.0.iPhone.iPod.Touch.Cracked
Size: 6.36 MB
For a long time friendly Alien Life forms have been trying to communicate with human beings with no success. Then they had found a young talented earth programmer and taught him how to make the telecommunication interface. After months of hard working he has finally achieved a success and put it into Alien Plasma tunnels screensaver.
Now we have a unique chance to learn magical alien secrets at first hand. They beam a live broadcast through the screensaver's morphing plasma tunnels hyperspace.
The only thing they have missed is that not everybody on the Earth could easily understand their scrambled messages.
Let's test our supernatural abilities. May be you are the one who could establish an intelligent contact with the friendly Aliens!
- Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me/XP/2003
- At least Celeron 300 MHz processor
- Videocard with OpenGL support
O cometa rara se apropie de Pamant
Apropierea de Pamant a unei comete mai putin obisnuite a fost raportata in luna iulie a anului 2007 de catre un student al Universitatii Sun Yat-Sen din China. Anul acesta, in luna februarie, peste 2 saptamani, cometa se va afla in cel mai apropiat punct fata de planeta noastra.
Quanzhi Ye a facut descoperirea in luna iulie a anului 2007, studiind o fotografie captata la Observatorul Lulin, dupa care a fost numita cometa, devenita vizibila abia luna aceasta.
“Orbita cometei indica locul de provenienta ca fiind undeva la marginea sistemului solar, din asa-numitul Nor Ort, care se afla la o distanta de 100 000 de ori mai mare decat Pamantul fata de Soare”, declara Donald Yeomans, cercetator al NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory din Pasadena, California. Culoarea verde este cauzata de gazele care se incalzesc pe masura ce cometa se apropie de Soare. Lulin se va afla cel mai aproape de Pamant in data de 24 februarie, insa va fi vizibila doar cu ajutorul binoclurilor sau telescoapelor.