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beautyfarm - THE BEST DESIGN / COOL STUFF / Wikipedia interzice articolele membrilor Bisericii Scientologice  
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Wikipedia interzice articolele membrilor Bisericii Scientologice

Administratorii site-ului Wikipedia au decis cu o majoritatea covarsitoare sa le interzica membrilor Bisericii Scientologice sa mai redacteze articole pentru binecunoscuta enciclopedie online. Masura vine dupa ce mai multi membri ai acestei biserici au modificat articole pentru a-si promova interesele.

Este pentru prima data cand Wikipedia impune o restrictie atat de dura unui grup mare de useri. Votul a fost de 10 la 0 in favoarea impunerii unor masuri drastice, in timp ce doar un membru al biroului administrativ a preferat sa se abtina.

Conform Wikipedia, mai multi useri cunoscuti pentru apartenenta lor la Biserica Scientologica au modificat continutul mai multor articole pentru a promova interesele acesteia. Administratorii s-au declarat ingrijorati ca astfel de incidente pot afecta reputatia de neutralitate a site-ului Wikipedia si, in consecinta, au blocat adresele de IP ale tuturor userilor implicati in acest scandal.

WIKIPEDIA has banned members of the Church of Scientology from contributing to articles in a bid to stamp out biased information.

The site's administrators allegedly decided to impose the ban after finding members of the church were changing articles related to Scientology to promote their interests.

It is the first time Wikipedia has placed a ban on such a large group.

In a long running internal review, the site’s Arbitration Committee voted 10 to nil in favour of banning contributions from all IP addresses known to be owned or run by the church.

One member abstained from the vote.

According to evidence found by Wikipedia, multiple users with known scientology IP addresses had been "openly editing (Scientology-related articles) from Church of Scientology equipment and apparently coordinating their activities".

The administrators were concerned the edits were "damaging Wikipedia's reputation for neutrality".

Wikipedia promotes the fact its articles are presented from a neutral point of view, and frowns upon users who edit the site "in order to promote their own interests".

Individual users who caused mischief have been prevented from editing articles in the past, but this is the first time such a large-scale ban has been placed.

The Register reported the ban was the first time administrators had officially placed a block on edits from such a large organisation.

A spokesperson from the Church of Scientology's Sydney office said no Australian members would have been involved in editing the site.

The Church of Scientology's Wikipedia entry is currently locked, preventing any edits.

wikipedia interzice articolele membrilor bisericii wikipedia interzice articolele membrilor


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