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beautyfarm - THE BEST DESIGN / COOL STUFF / Invadarea absoluta a intimitatii, genomul expus online  
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Invadarea absoluta a intimitatii, genomul expus online

Informatiile genetice a nu mai putin de 13.000 de indivizi sunt in acest moment publice pe Internet, alaturi de fotografiile lor si trecutul medical detaliat. Toate acestea cu permisiunea subiectilor, in speranta de a ajuta umanitatea.

“Personal Genome Project” (PGP) este un proiect de cercetare dezvoltat pentru a facilita accesul la informatii genetice atat pentru organizatii specializate cat si pentru indivizi interesati de aceasta problematica. In loc sa se bazeze in continuare pe cele cateva laboratoare genetice constranse sa-si obtina singure “materia prima” sau accesul la numarul oricum mic de genoame disponibile, PGP planuieste sa inchege o baza de date online cu 100.000 de genoame umane detaliat prezentate, accesibila online oricui vrea sa arunce o privire.

Cele cu adevarat interesate si vizate sunt, desigur, institutele de cercetare, dar initiativa este o usa deschisa si pentru specialisti in computere, matematicieni si in general orice observator interesat si dornic sa afle cate ceva despre codul vietii. Beneficiile unui asemenea demers s-ar putea dovedi nesperat de importante, intrucat cercetatori din toata lumea vor avea la dispozitie mult mai multe date pe marginea carora sa dezvolte studii capabile sa conduca la solutionarea unora dintre cele mai complicate boli ale omenirii.

Totusi, proiectul presupune si o tehnologie pe masura: o singura secventa ADN necesita sase gigabytes (GB) de stocare, ceea ce inseamna ca PGP planuieste sa incarce pe Internet mai mult de jumatate de petabyte (500 TB sau 500.000 GB) de informatii genetice. Din acest punct de vedere, initiva va fi sustinuta de institutii precum Google, Amazon si Isilon Systems, care s-au pus deja in miscare. Fenomenul reprezinta o invadare puternica a intimitatii acelora prinsi in experiment, dar scopul final al acestui demers i-ar putea transforma, in timp, in salvatori ai speciei.

Thirteen thousand people are having their genomes uploaded online, along with their photos and complete medical histories.  Never mind stealing social security numbers - a few more years of development and people will be able to copy them entirely.  And they did it voluntarily, and it's to help every single one of us.

The Personal Genome Project (PGP) is a research effort designed to harness the incredible internet-intellect.  Instead of genetics labs having to source their own data, or gain access to the few genomes already available, the PGP aims to make one hundred thousand human genomes available to anyone who wants to have a look.  Most of these will be research facilities, of course, but it opens the doors to computer scientists, mathematicians, any interested observer who wants to have a crack at the code of life.  The benefits are twofold: established scientists will have more to work with, and if we can harness a tiny fraction of the incredible inventiveness shown online we'll be riding cancer-curing dinosaurs into a forest that grows batteries.

This awesome project requires awesome technology: a single sequence of DNA requires six gigabytes of storage, meaning the PGP is aiming to upload over half a petabyte.  If you aren't stunned, it's only because you don't really get that word.  The server requirements are staggering but companies like Google, Amazon and Isilon Systems are already queuing up to sort it out.  So yeah, those people who make millions because they knew where the future was?  They're working on this.

It's also an excellent example of how people are just getting past privacy - half the admission process to the project is explaining to people that everything about them will be online (except the name, but nobody is under any illusions about how easy that'll be to find).  But ten minutes on twitter will show that many modern-minded people will share everything with anyone, for good or ill, and this way they're helping cure cancer.

Which is a bit more important than changing your status message every five minutes.

invadarea absoluta genomul expus online invadarea absoluta genomul expus genetice mai putin 13.000


   PM-URI    №1

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