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beautyfarm - THE BEST DESIGN / COOL STUFF / Tehnologia OZN ne-ar putea scoate din criza energetica  
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Tehnologia OZN ne-ar putea scoate din criza energetica

Celor mai multi dintre noi, rezolvarea problemei energetice mondiale cu ajutorul OZN-urilor le va suna, in cel mai bun caz, neverosimila si o vor respinge ca fiind o idee nebuneasca.

Cu toate acestea, americanul Stephen Basset, lobbist in domeniul energiei, este de parere ca in scurt timp presedintele SUA, Barack Obama, va iesi la rampa cu o declaratie conform careia guvernul american ascunde “vehicule extraterestre” ce pot fi folosite pentru solutionarea problemelor de energie, contribuind in acelasi timp la stavilirea problemei schimbarilor climatice. Sursa de putere, sustine el citat de publicatia Greenwire, din spatele unei farfurii zburatoare cu greutatea unui tractor, ce cutreiera galaxiile cu 30.000 kilometri pe ora, este una astronomica. “Ce fel de sistem energetic  opereaza o asemenea aeronava? Nu stim cu exactitate, dar daca este atat de bun pe cat il banuim, utilizarea sa ar putea transforma totul”, sustine Bassett, care face pe aceasta cale un apel la presedintele SUA sa desecretizeze toate tehnologiile de natura extraterestra disponibile.

Steve Bassett pretinde ca guvernul american are farfurii zburatoare in posesie si sustine ca cei care cred ca adevarul despre tehnologia extraterestra este ascuns, asteapta cu nerabdare declasificarea informatiilor pe marginea acestui subiect. “Fenomenul OZN este real. Prezenta extraterestra este reala”, a mai adaugat lobbistul. Conform teoriei sale, cu ajutorul tehnologiei extraterestre, topirea calotelor glaciare ar devein o problema a trecutului, nu ar mai exista o gaura in stratul de ozon, iar pretul energiei ar tinde spre zero.

To most of us, UFO’s solving our energy problem will sound, at best, like wishful thinking, and most likely will be dismissed as insane

But if energy lobbyist Stephen Bassett has his way, President Barack Obama will release information that the government is secretly hiding on “extraterrestrial vehicles” –according to Mr. Bassett’s claims– which can be used to solve the nation’s energy problem and limit climate change in one fell swoop.

The power source, he said, chronicled in a report Greenwire did on the subject, behind a flying saucer the weight of a tractor-trailer which hurtles through galaxies at 20,000 miles per hour is astronomical.

“What is the energy system operating that craft?” Bassett said. “They’re not burning kerosene. It eliminates oil. It eliminates coal. If it’s as good as we think it is, it transforms everything.”

Mr. Bassett is the founder of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which launched the “Million Fax on Washington” campaign, calling for the President to release all files, call for congressional hearings, and make available extraterrestrial (ET) derived technologies to the public domain.

Bassett claims that the government has flying saucers in its possession.

He is a firm believer in the cause, and is even working free of charge to lobby on behalf of the Exopolitics Institute, an educational organization which describes itself as “dedicated to studying the key actors, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.”

Believers that the truth regarding ET technology is currently being covered up, Bassett says, are eagerly awaiting for President Obama to declassify the information the government is holding on the subject.

He says that Obama ”has the intelligence to handle it,” while at the same time being “sensitive to the concerns of the military intelligence community.”

After lobbying for seven months on science and technology, defense and aviation, Bassett has now added, in a Senate filing, energy to his portfolio.

“The UFO phenomenon is real,” Bassett said. “The extraterrestrial presence is real.”

His theory is that the melting polar ice caps would be a thing of the past. There would be no more ozone hole, while the price of electricity would plummet to almost nil.

PRG says that there are “twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics of disclosure with interest and concern.”

tehnologia ozn ne-ar putea scoate din criza energetica tehnologia ozn ne-ar putea scoate din criza


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