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beautyfarm - THE BEST DESIGN / COOL STUFF / Prima baterie din lume pe baza de aer  
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Prima baterie din lume pe baza de aer

Oamenii de stiinta au elaborat prima baterie pe baza de aer, care are o capacitate de inmagazinare de 10 ori mai mare decat a bateriilor conventionale.

Cercetatorii sunt de parere ca revolutionara baterie STAIR (St. Andrews Air) ar putea deschide drumul unei noi generatii de masini electrice, laptopuri si telefoane mobile. Celulele sunt incarcate in mod traditional, insa pe masura ce puterea este folosita, o sectiune mica deschisa a bateriei trage oxigen din exterior. Oxigenul intra in reactie cu un compus de carbon aflat in interiorul bateriei, creand mai multa energie si refacand permanent rezervele bateriei.

Prin inlocuirea componentei chimice principale cu acest tip de carbon si oxigen, greutatea noii baterii a devenit mult mai mica decat cea a unei baterii traditionale.
“Marimea este cruciala pentru cei care incearca sa dezvolte masini electrice, deoarece in aceste cazuri greutatea totala trebuie sa fie cat mai mica”, declara profesorul Peter Bruce din cadrul Departamentului de Chimie al Universitatii St. Andrews.

Scientists say the revolutionary 'STAIR' (St Andrews Air) battery could now pave the way for a new generation of electric cars, laptops and mobile phones.

The cells are charged in a traditional way but as power is used or 'discharged' an open mesh section of battery draws in oxygen from the surrounding air.

This oxygen reacts with a porous carbon component inside the battery, which creates more energy and helps to continually 'charge' the cell as it is being discharged.

By replacing the traditional chemical constituent, lithium cobalt oxide, with porous carbon and oxygen drawn from the air, the cell is much lighter than current batteries.

And as the cycle of air helps re-charge the battery as it is used, it has a greater storage capacity than other similar-sized cells and can emit power up to 10 times longer.

Professor Peter Bruce of the Chemistry Department at the University of St Andrews, said: "The benefits are it's much smaller and lighter so better for transporting small applications.

"The size is also crucial for anyone trying to develop electric cars as they want to keep weight down as much as possible.

"Storage is also important in the development of green power. You need to store electricity because wind and solar power is intermittent."

prima baterie din lume baza aer prima baterie din lume baza aer oamenii stiinta elaborat prima


   PM-URI    №1

pus acum 15 ani
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