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beautyfarm - THE BEST DESIGN / COOL STUFF / Viteza Warp a navei Enterprise ar putea deveni realitate  
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Viteza Warp a navei Enterprise ar putea deveni realitate

Unii cercetatori sunt de parere ca valoarea “warp” a vitezei prin spatiu, cea cu care am fost familiarizati de seria de filme Star Trek, ar putea fi posibila, in ciuda principiului relativitatii care atesta viteza luminii ca maxima absoluta a spatiului si a timpului.

Facand o asemenea declaratie, oamenii de stiinta iau in calcul un aspect mai degraba abstract, dar pe care il privesc matematic, si anume, influentarea constantei spatio-temporale. Printr-un asemenea procedeu de fizica cuantica, nu este depasita propriu-zis viteza luminii, ci se reduce distanta dintre doua puncte ale spatiului, prin suprapunerea lor in locul dispunerii liniare pe care o percepem in prezent.

Ceea ce s-ar putea sa se fi intamplat deja. Unele modele computerizate sugereaza ca perioada de inceput a Universului ar fi implicat asemenea viteze superluminice, astfel incat cercetatori precum Mark Millis de la Universitatea Houston se intreaba “noi de ce nu am putea reproduce aceasta performanta? Daca s-a putut intampla in cazul Big Bang-ului, de ce nu si pentru calatoriile spatiale?” .

Cercetatorul se bazeaza in aceasta avantare stiintifica pe principiul “energiei negre”, facand analogie cu abilitatea stelelor intrate in colaps de a deveni nebuloase, prin “indoirea” timpului si a spatiului. S-ar putea dovedi motoarele viitorului apte de realizari asemanatoare? Canalizarea stiintei in aceasta directie ne-ar putea oferi destul de curand un raspuns optimist.

viteza warp navei enterprise putea deveni realitate viteza warp navei enterprise putea deveni sunt


   PM-URI    №1

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 8870
Some scientists are saying that warp drive might be possible after all.  Yes, it's obvious pandering to the Star Trek release, but be fair: these guys are career physicists.  Star Trek was theirs to begin with, and now it's cool we should at least give them press.  Especially when they want to talk about awesome things like faster than light travel.

Relativity states that it's impossible to move through spacetime faster than the speed of light - and many, many things have been observed which confirm this fact.  Almost all of them, in fact.  So the "simple" solution (for a sufficiently radical definition of "simple" is to move the spacetime instead.  Then you're not breaking the lightspeed limit, you're just picking up a piece of reality and throwing it faster than anything can ever move.

Which may already have happened.  Some models suggest that the universe's early rapid inflationary period may have included such superluminal speeds, so scientist Mark Millis says "Why can't we do the same?"  And despite how modern physics is almost entirely composed of reasons why we can't do exactly that, it's still a great question.

"If it could do it for the Big Bang, why not space drives?" ponders Mark.  Mainly because our drives don't conjure realities out of their exhaust ports, but we will be the first to say that incredible breakthroughs always sound insane before they actually happen.  We are totally behind Mr Millis and his attempts to evade reality's restrictions; we'd just prefer people sounded more sensible when they discussed it.

Any discussion of Millis's admirable aims tends to degenerate into "wooboowubwub DARK ENERGY! wubwub" or "If collapsed stars can bend spacetime, couldn't future engines?"  Sure, as long as the universe agrees that reducing decades of cosmological math into an analogy is a valid method of design.   We're all in favor of realising there may be some incredible breakthrough (in fact, that's kind of our entire job), but waving words you got off the cover of Nature around is not the route to credibility.

Will we ever get off the Earth?  We hope so - but if people here would smarten up a bit, we wouldn't actually have to.

   PM-URI    №1

pus acum 15 ani
Pagini: 1  

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