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beautyfarm - THE BEST DESIGN / COOL STUFF / 6.1 milioane cadre pe secunda pentru cea mai rapida camera din lume  
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6.1 milioane cadre pe secunda pentru cea mai rapida camera din lume

Cercetatorii Universitatii California au realizat cea mai rapida camera video construita vreodata. Ea poate capta 6,1 milioane de cadre intr-o singura secunda, la o viteza de declansare a obiectivului de 440 de miliarde de parti dintr-o secunda. Lumina insasi nu parcurge mai mult de o fractiune de centimetru intr-o asemenea perioada.

Principiul de functionare al camerei este iluminarea obiectelor cu ajutorul unui laser care emite o frecventa in infrarosu diferita pentru fiecare pixel, permitand amplificarea unui semnal care altfel ar fi prea vag pentru a fi vazut. “Am inventat un nou tip de tehnologie a imaginii care inlatura limitarea dintre sensibilitate si viteza”, sustine Keisuke Goda, specialist in electronica optica al Universitatii California, din Los Angeles. Viteza foarte mare de declansare a obiectivului permite fotografierea foarte clara chiar si a obiectelor aflate in miscare. Cu cat lentila unei camera este mai putin timp deschisa, cu atat scade si timpul in care un subiect trebuie sa se miste. Dar exista un pret: mai putina lumina patrunde in camera, ducand la o subexpunere a imaginii. Din acest motiv fotografii sportivi folosesc lumini stroboscopice foarte puternice.

Keisuke Goda si partenerul sau de proiect

Tehnologia este denumita STEAM, prescurtarea de la “microscopie codata temporal amplificata in serie”. Camera lumineaza obiectele cu un laser infrarosu, care traverseaza o plaja de lungimi de unda diferite, cate una pentru fiecare pixel al senzorului. Atunci cand lumina reflectata loveste senzorul camerei, fiecare pixel isi revendica lungimea de unda alocata si primeste un implus electronic. Acest lucru amplifica semnalul original, compus din numai cativa fotoni, pana cand devine vizibil. Acest lucru nu poate fi realizat cu ajutorul unei camere digitale conventionale, deoarece senzorul nu cunoaste lungimile de unda originale.

6.1 milioane cadre secunda pentru cea mai rapida camera din lume 6.1 milioane cadre secunda pentru


   PM-URI    №1

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 8870
Fastest Camera Ever Built Uses Lasers

Scientists have made the fastest camera ever. It can take 6.1 million pictures in a single second, at a shutter speed of 440 trillionths of a second. Light itself moves just a fraction of a centimeter in that time.

The camera works by illuminating objects with a laser that emits a different infrared frequency for every single pixel, allowing them to custom-amplify a signal that would otherwise be too dim to see.

“We have invented a new type of imaging technology that overcomes the fundamental limitation between sensitivity and speed,” said Keisuke Goda, an optoelectronic specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “It’s the world’s fastest camera.”

High shutter speeds enable moving objects to be clearly photographed. The less time a camera’s optical eye is open, the less time a subject has to move. But this comes at a price: less light enters the camera, causing the image to be underexposed. That’s why sports photographers use high-powered strobe lights.

Workarounds include the use of extra-sensitive chemicals in traditional films, or amplification of signals captured by the photoelectronic light sensors of digital cameras. But film is relatively limited in its range, as are digital cameras. At the speed of Goda’s camera, there isn’t enough light to magnify.

“The camera has a built-in optical image amplifier that overcomes the tradeoff between sensitivity and speed,” he said. “It could be especially useful for microscopy. On the meta-microscale, even slow-moving objects require a high temporary resolution, because your field of view is so small.”

steam_772The technology is dubbed STEAM, short for serial time-encoded amplified microscopy. It illuminates objects with an infrared laser that cycles through a series of different wavelengths, one for each pixel on the sensor.

When reflected light hits the camera’s sensor, each pixel picks up its dedicated wavelength, and is given an electronic boost of a matching wavelength. That amplifies the original dim signal, composed of just a few photons, until it becomes visible. This can’t be done in a conventional digital camera, because the sensor doesn’t know what the original wavelengths were.

For now, STEAM can only produce images composed of just 3,000 pixels, a far cry from the multi-million-pixel cameras used by consumers. But Goda’s team, led by Bahram Jalali of UCLA, intends to develop a multi-megapixel camera that can take 100 million pictures per second, with a frame rate of they’re hoping to up this to mega-multipixel mode competitive with standard digital cameras, taking 100 million pictures per second, with a shutter speed of just one-trillionth of a second.

6.1 milioane cadre secunda pentru cea mai rapida camera din lume fastest camera ever built uses have


   PM-URI    №1

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