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Mama la 79 ani, Record mondial sau fals in acte?

Reporterii agentiei RussiaToday afirma ca o femeie din Federatia Rusa este concomitent cea mai batrana persoana din lume, precum si cea mai varstnica mama. Pasaportul ei indica varsta de 125 ani, iar evidentele de stat afirma ca femeia a dat nastere unui copil pe cand avea 79 de ani. Cu toate acestea, exista destui oameni de stiinta care nu dau crezare acestui caz deosebit.

Ulya Margusheva este o femeie de etnie Kabardino-Cercheza care traieste inca in Republica Autonoma Kabardino-Balkaria din nordul Muntilor Caucaz. Longeviva Ulya declara ca nu a mancat sare sau dulciuri in decursul vietii sale, fapt ce ar explica pana la un punct longevitatea sa inaintata.

“Situatia sa poate fi explicata prin prisma faptului ca traieste intr-unul dintre cele mai nepoluate locuri de pe planeta. In plus, in zona Caucazului traiesc cei mai multi centenari din lume, aici durata medie de viata fiind mai mare chiar decat in Okinawa. Ulya este o femeie cu un organism foarte sanatos, prin urmare nu este imposibil sa fi dat nastere chiar si la varsta de 79 de ani”, este de parere Maria Tembotova, cel mai mare medic obstetrician din mica republica caucaziana.

Conform datelor stranse la fata locului de reporterul Anatoly Tanashev, Ulya nu-si aminteste nicio alta personalitate istorica cu exceptia lui Lenin si Stalin. Nu stie cine a fost tarul Nicolae al II-lea si nici actualul presedinte rus Medvedev. Nu stie nici macar cine este Dima Bilan, cea mai mare celebritate locala din Kabardino-Balkaria, castigator al editiei Eurovisionului de anul trecut. Cu toate acestea, batrana Ulya stie foarte bine sa foloseasca un telefon mobil.
Oricat de neverosibila este situatia, pasaportul si certificatul de nastere al Ulyei Margusheva indica faptul ca s-a nascut in anul 1884, precum si ca a nascut ultimul copil pe cand avea 79 ani.

A Russian woman claims to be both the world's oldest person and the oldest-ever mother. Her passport shows that she’s 125, and she says she last gave birth a mere 46 years ago, at the tender age of 79.

If true, she has beaten the previous record holder by almost a decade. Some critics, however, have thrown doubts on her story, suggesting her documents possibly don’t offer the whole truth.

Journalists investigate

So far a Japanese woman lays claim to the record as the oldest mother to give birth. If Ulya really is the true world record holder, why is she enjoying so little publicity?

Local journalist Anatoly Tanashev doubted the legend and joined RT to investigate.

It turns out that Ulya doesn’t remember anyone except Stalin and Lenin. A photo of Tsar Nicolas II doesn’t ring a bell, nor do photos of President Medvedev, or of the republic’s biggest celebrity – Eurovision Song Contest 2008 winner Dima Bilan. At the same time, she’s quite handy with her mobile phone.

Two documents, her passport and her child’s birth certificate, make it quite clear: Ulya was born in 1884 and her child was born 79 years later. Ulya explains:

“Yes, I gave birth to my child naturally. No caesarean section. A nurse at the hospital told me when I was checking out with a child: ‘Oh! What a poor woman!’”

Anatoly Tanashev was still skeptical. Stories of the ‘Old Ma’ didn’t seem to have impressed him:

“I think there's a mistake with the age, because if she says she went to school when the Young Communist League went to cavalry camps and she was 10-14 at the time, then there are holes in her story.”

mama ani mama ani, record mondial sau fals agentiei afirma femeie din federatia rusa este cea mai


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